Throughout my journey in academia, I have developed a broad field of scientific expertise and devoted significant time to teaching and mentoring.

I received my PhD in Theoretical Physics from École Polytechnique (France) in 2015. Since then, I have worked as a postdoctoral research associate in Belgium, the United States, and Great Britain. Over the years, I have pioneered many original ideas and mastered aspects of beyond-the-Standard Model phenomenology, dark-matter physics, and theoretical cosmology (see My Research). My up to date publication list can be found here.

Overall, I have always valued projects that went off the beaten track and could connect different avenues of fundamental science. I have interacted with renowned experts in string theory, phenomenologists, and cosmologists, but also with experimental groups (ATLAS, IceCube, ANITA), and developed several interdisciplinary projects (you can find the list of my former collaborators here).

I have reviewed articles for many authoritative journals - Physical Review Letters, Physical Review D, International Journal of Modern Physics A, SciPost Physics, and Nature Scientific Reports.


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Theoretical Particle Physics & Cosmology (TPPC) Group
Department of Physics
King’s College London
Office S7.33 | Strand Building | Strand | London | WC2R 2LS
United Kingdom